Allows users to view up to 6 pieces separate from the gallery.
If a user is interested in building a wall grouping, groupings allow the user to see the choices and evaluate how the pieces work together.
Groupings are only available on the desktop.
When you visit the /groupings page, the grid with all artwork is visible and this overlay appears automatically. To close it, click the large “X” in the upper right or click outside the overlay.
How to build a grouping?
Click on each image you wish to see in the grouping (up to a max of 6 images). The chosen images will change opacity so you can track your selections. Once all choices are made, click the "Show Grouping" button at the top right of the grid.
The grouping overlay then opens showing the selected pieces.
Use the same close options (X or clicking outside) to dismiss the overlay.
Click the button below to add all choices to your cart and go to the cart page.